What about these years in between?
This is the average life expectancy of a human being. Keep in mind this is an approximate number, it depends where you live in the world and what your lifestyle is like.
So here is where you're born, each one of these lines represents 10 years. You might live a little bit longer than that, and you might live a little bit shorter than that. You never really know you could die here...
I want to make this video to show you something. I hope this video lights a fire inside of you and gets your butt in gear to pursue that thing that you've been wanting to pursue but you keep putting off and you keep saying "oh tomorrow" or "when I have time or when the kids are in school" or "when I save up more money."
Let me show you why time is so important... So in society typically here is what happens... we're born... we're kids, and then we're teenagers and roughly around here we start to work.
And we word, work, work, we keep working all the way until we're 65 years old. So as you can see... that is most of your life. So it is very important to spend this time doing something that you love.
Being a kid is nice... retiring is nice... but what about years in between?
These should not be just "Write off" and just "waiting for Friday" and just "get through it" and "can't wait till retirement" cause once those years are gone... they're gone!
What I'm saying is if you're working at a job that you hate just for a paycheck then you need a change in your life. Because what we know as humans is that we live on earth and then we die.
Where we go after we die... it's up for debate. We all have different opinions on that. You get one shot, one chance. Make the most of it and make sure that you are happy with your life!
Unfortunately we don't have forever so I didn't mean to make this to scare you. I made it to motivate you and I want you to get after that thing.
That you've been wanting to do. Now is the time, pursue it, go after it, you have nothing to lose. And make all of your years from birth to death... meaningful, special, and purposeful. All the best and good luck.
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